The grape vine probably orginated in north-west Asia. In the 6th century B.C., 2600 yrs ago, Greek migrants from Phocaea in Asia Minor founded the city of Massalia (present day Marseille) and brought with them their method of producing wine. The Romans when they ruled France (Gaul) were responsible for the spread and cultivation of the grape vine throughout France.
Flowers small, 5-petalled, in clusters.
Palmate leaf has lobes radiating from a base point. Several serrated lobes which radiate from a base point.
Fruits Seeds
Berry: juicy, green, turning to pink or black when ripe, containing seeds.
Fruit eaten fresh or juiced, made into wine. In Greece the leaves are soaked in brine, then used as a wrapping (dolmades) for minced meat and rice.
Leaves, stems and fruit: an astringent, cooling herb, a diuretic, reduces inflammation, controls bleeding, improves circulation and clears toxins.