A shrub with long, erect, straight branches with greenish-grey bark. The flexible twigs (withies) are used in basketry.
Commonly found near streams or wet places.
Flowers (catkins) are produced before the leaves. Male and female flowers are on separate shrubs. Male catkins are yellow and oval-shaped, female catkins are thread-like and more cylindrical.
Linear narrow blade leaf, like grass. Long, slender, grey hairy beneath, 10-25 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide.
Fruits Seeds
Capsule: in 2 parts, splits open when ripe, fluffy seeds.
Bark: willow bark has been used since the 1st century A.D. for pain relief and to lower fever. Willow yields salicylic acid, which was first synthesized in 1838 and provides the basis of aspirin.