Insects are attracted to the Bee Orchids by their scent and their appearance, both of which mimic that of the female insect of whichever species of pollinator is needed for a particular variety of Bee Orchid.
A tuberous perennial with enlarged underground structures used for storage of nutrients.
The flower spike can carry up to 15 flowers, usually between 2-9. Each individual flower has 3 pink sepals with a central green vein and 2 very small lateral petals. The lip is brown or purplish brown, with 2 lateral lobes, short and hairy, and a central darker ‘mirror’ (speculum) with a cream border. The distinctive curved apex of the column enables its unique system of self-pollination.
Elliptic oval leaf, Lanceolate leaf is lance-shaped: long and widest in the middle. Basal leaves are oval to long, wider in the middle, blunt; stem leaves smaller.
Fruits Seeds
Capsule: numerous seeds.