Melilotus albus has many branches with long flower stalks. Buds, flowers and seeds are present at the same time.
Roadsides, waste areas, weedy meadows, along railroads on calcareous soils.
Used as fodder or as green manure. The plants in the Fabaceae family have a relationship with bacteria in the soil. The bacteria take the nitrogen that exists in the air pockets in the soil and feed it through the roots to the plant; in return the plant gives carbohydrates to the bacteria. In green manure the crop is turned under, thus fertilising the soil with nitrogen.
The pea flowers are borne in slender, many flowered racemes, wings and keel equal, shorter than the standard.
Trifoliate with three leaflets. Three leaflets, elliptical, serrated.
Fruits Seeds
Pod: small, grey-brown containing 1 seed.