Wild Flowers Provence

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Lavandula angustifolia



Additional information

Plant family


Sainte Baume

Flower colour


Flower size

10-12 mm

Flowering months




Leaf type



in flower 60-80 cm


Lavandula angustifolia grows at altitudes between 600 to 1400 metres. It flowers from end of June to end of August, depending on climatic conditions. Each seed can produce a Lavender plant, each plant is different. This is the Lavender grown in gardens.

When you see a large field of monotone looking Lavenders you are most likely seeing a field of Lavandin, for example on the Plateau de Valensole. Lavandin is a cross between Lavendula angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia. Where both types of Lavender meet, at around 600 m, natural hybridisation occurs. Lavandin is sterile and can only be cloned or in vitro to produce new plants.

There exists a cloned variety of Lavandula angustifolia called ‘Maillette’ which is cultivated for the essential oil industry. As it is cloned it has a monotone appearance, it is shorter than Lavandin and is normally grown at higher altitudes.


The flowers are bluish purple, borne in long stalked spikes, 20-80 mm, often interrupted below.


Linear narrow blade leaf, like grass. Narrow, linear, aromatic, greenish-grey leaves.

Fruits Seeds

Nut: small, brown enclosed in the calyx.


The flowers give a special flavour to cakes.


Essential oil: has antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties and has a regulating influence on the nervous system.

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