Full name Juniperus phoenicea var. phoenicea, a small shrub or tree with a dense crown and conical shape. The male and female flowers are on the same tree.
There are two varieties of Juniperus phoenicea: Juniperus phoenicea var. phoenicea with round cones, which grows throughout the Mediterranean region but not near the coast and Juniperus phoenicea var. turbinata, with oval cones, which grows on the sand dunes near the coast.
The male catkins are brown, about 3 mm long; the female flowers are grey-brown, tiny at the end of the branches.
Needle leaf is narrow, pointed, like a needle, e.g. Pinus, Scales leaves resemble green scales e.g. Cupressus, Juniperus. Small and pointed when young; scale-like, as in Cypress conifers, when mature.
Fruits Seeds
Cone: rounded to egg-shaped, from blackish to yellow-green to reddish-brown over 2 years.
Leaves: essential oil, with anti-bacterial properties, is made from the leaves.