Wild Flowers Provence

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Iris albicans

Iris blanchissant
Cemetery Iris


Additional information

Plant family


Provence Verte

Flower colour


Flower size

80-90 mm

Flowering months



Leaf type



30-60 cm


Naturalised in France, originally from Yemen and Saudi Arabia. This Iris was planted on graves in Muslim regions. From the Middle East it was introduced into northern Africa and then into Spain and other European Countries. It is very often confused with Iris germanica subsp. florentina.

A rhizomatous perennial often found along roadsides.


This Iris is usually pure white, the falls having a white beard strikingly tipped with yellow. The spathe of Iris albicans is green at flowering time or papery only at the very tip, often flushed with purple.


Linear narrow blade leaf, like grass. Broadly sword-shaped, grey-green.

Fruits Seeds

Pod: plump, tan or brown seed pod, 30-50 mm long.

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