Wild Flowers Provence

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Imperata cylindrica

Herbe Cogon
Cogon Grass


Additional information

Plant family


Provence Verte

Flower size

spikelet 2-6 mm

Flowering months





Leaf type



60-300 cm


Imperata cylindrica has a smooth stem, hairy at the nodes. An invasive plant, considered by some to belong to the 10 most invasive plants in the world. Spreads by creeping rhizomes.

Originally from Japan, China, Korea, India and tropical east Africa. Some of the green leaves turn red in summer, giving this grass its attractive look. The plumes, initially green turn silvery white. It grows on wetlands as well as in dry areas.

An ornamental variety of Imperata cylindrica is Imperata cylindrica Red Baron.


A dense silky-white panicle to 20 cm long.


Linear narrow blade leaf, like grass. Blade, channelled, 2 cm wide narrowing into a point with sharp edge. Main vein lighter than rest of the leaf.

Fruits Seeds

Caryopsis: dry fruit (grain).

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