Introduced into Europe from Australia. The name ‘Red River Gum’ indicates the brilliant red colour of the wood. Grows near a water source.
The most common of all the Gum trees, planted in Europe for its timber. The roots of the tree exude a poisonous substance that prevents other plants from growing near it.
Umbels of small creamy-white flowers (5-10).
Ovate leaf is egg-shaped, wider at base, Lanceolate leaf is lance-shaped: long and widest in the middle. Young: egg-shaped, without stalks.
Mature: long, wider in the middle, pointed, blue-green, visible oil glands, 18-25 cm.
Fruits Seeds
Capsule: conical, 5-6 mm across, 4 valves.
Leaves: essential oil of Eucalyptus is antiseptic, antiviral and loosens catarrh.