In bloom, the Crataegus azarolus has a strong, sweet smell. The young twigs have a white cottony appearance, changing with maturity into smooth, blackish branches with a few spines. The leaves are bright green above, hairy beneath when young.
Dry hillsides, woodland, rocky places, field boundaries in lowland as well as in the mountains.
The flowers have 5 petals, white or flushed with pink, usually notched at the tip, borne in dense clusters dispersed on the branches.
Pinnately lobed leaf with lobes both sides of a central midrib. Deeply lobed with 3, sometimes 5, narrow lobes.
Fruits Seeds
Drupe: oval in shape, reddish-orange or yellow, size of a blueberry. A drupe has outer fleshy parts, surrounding a pit with a seed inside.
Fruit: in compotes or jellies.